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ANICAM ENTERPRISES INC., with its main address at 1770 nw 96 Ave, Doral, Florida, 33172, USA, and its website/mobile applications, websites, notify:

The data subject, by voluntarily providing their data, gives express, prior, free, and voluntary consent for their data to be processed (collected, stored, used, circulated, and deleted) by Anicam Enterprises Inc., in compliance with its functions and corporate purpose, and that, by its function, it must fulfill, and states that they are aware of Anicam's personal data processing policy, that they have read and accepted the previous notice of authorization, and accept each of the stated purposes. They also acknowledge the optional nature of authorizing sensitive data and authorize the processing of such data according to the following criteria:

Among other purposes of personal data processing, the following are included:

  1. In the development of Anicam Enterprises Inc.'s own activities.
  2. Managing the application for affiliation to the Anicam Box or Anicam Box Express service.
  3. To make contacts aimed at measuring the level of satisfaction with the services provided by Anicam Enterprises Inc. through its different departments, processes, and/or business lines.
  4. To send notifications and reports regarding specific procedures or responses to PQR (Petitions, Complaints, and Claims) made by customers related to the topics that Anicam Enterprises Inc. must address due to its function and purpose.
  5. Executing the Virtual Mailbox service under the terms and conditions accepted by the user.
  6. Transmitting, transferring, and interoperating personal data to different partners or third parties responsible for processing.
  7. Sending information and promotions related to the Anicam Box or Anicam Box Express service and all the services provided by Anicam Enterprises Inc.
  8. Providing the requested service and sending promotions and marketing of the company's services.

And any others stipulated in the personal data processing policy.

Rights of the data subjects:

a) To know, update, and rectify their information regarding partial, inaccurate, incomplete, fractioned data that may lead to error or to data whose processing is prohibited or has not been authorized.
b) To request proof of the authorization granted to the data controller.
c) To be informed by the data controller or data processor, upon request, about the use given to their personal data.
d) To file complaints regarding breaches and other regulations that modify, add to, or complement the current legislation.
e) To revoke the authorization and/or request the deletion of the data when the processing does not respect legal principles, rights, and guarantees, provided there is no legal or contractual obligation preventing its deletion.
f) To access their personal data that have been subject to processing free of charge.
g) To refrain from answering questions about sensitive data. Responding to questions about sensitive data or data concerning girls, boys, and adolescents is optional.

You can exercise your habeas data rights and the aforementioned rights through emails addressed to Anicam Enterprises Inc. using the following customer service and communication channels:, or the telephone numbers related to our service provider's website:

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